How to Start Magnus Quest BDO

How to Start Magnus Quest BDO – A Comprehensive Guide

Black Desert Online (BDO) is a popular MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) known for its vast open world, deep customization, and intricate gameplay mechanics.

One of the exciting content additions to BDO is the “Magnus Quest,” a unique series of challenges that offers players exclusive rewards and the ability to fast travel across the game’s expansive map.

This guide will walk you through how to start the Magnus quest in BDO, break down each step, provide insights on best practices, and share tips to make the process smoother and more enjoyable.

What is the Magnus Quest in BDO?

The Magnus Quest in Black Desert Online is a special questline introduced to enhance the game’s narrative and provide players with unique gameplay experiences. It involves a series of tasks, including combat, puzzles, and exploration, each designed to challenge different aspects of a player’s skills in BDO.

The questline’s primary goal is to unlock the Magnus, a hidden dimension that allows players to fast travel between different locations on the map.

Why Should You Start the Magnus Quest?

The Magnus Quest isn’t just another set of quests in BDO; it’s an essential part of the game’s content that offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Unlocking Fast Travel: Completing the Magnus Quest allows players to teleport between major cities and regions, significantly reducing travel time across the map.
  • Exclusive Rewards: Players receive valuable in-game items, experience points, silver, and special gear.
  • Skill Enhancement: The questline is designed to test and improve various skills, such as combat tactics, puzzle-solving, and strategic planning.
  • Lore and Story Expansion: Engaging with the Magnus Quest provides deeper insight into the lore and world-building of Black Desert Online, enriching the player’s understanding of the game’s universe.

How to Start Magnus Quest BDO: Step-by-Step Guide

To begin the Magnus Quest, players need to meet specific requirements and follow certain steps. Here’s a detailed guide on how to start Magnus Quest BDO:

Step 1: Preparation and Requirements

Before embarking on the Magnus Quest, ensure you meet the following requirements:

  • Character Level: Your character should be at least level 56. This ensures you have the necessary strength and skills to complete the questline.
  • Knowledge and Gear: It is recommended to have decent gear (at least TRI level or equivalent) and a basic understanding of BDO’s combat mechanics.
  • Inventory Space: Ensure your inventory has enough space for the items and rewards you will collect during the questline.

Step 2: Navigating to Magnus NPC

The Magnus Quest begins with interacting with a specific NPC (Non-Player Character) located in one of BDO’s major cities. The NPC for the Magnus Quest is typically found in a central, accessible location. To find this NPC:

  1. Open the World Map (M): Look for the NPC icon related to the Magnus Quest.
  2. Navigate to the City: Travel to the city indicated on the map.
  3. Locate the NPC: Once in the city, look for an NPC named [NPC Name] near a notable landmark or in the city center.

Step 3: Accepting the Questline

Once you find the NPC:

  1. Interact with the NPC: Press the “R” key to talk to the NPC.
  2. Accept the Magnus Quest: The NPC will offer the Magnus Quest as a new questline. Accept the quest to begin your journey.

Detailed Walkthrough of the Magnus Questline

The Magnus Questline is divided into several stages, each with unique challenges. Here’s a breakdown of each stage:

The Initial Quests

The first few quests introduce you to the Magnus dimension and its mechanics. These quests are generally straightforward, involving:

  • Travel to Different Locations: You’ll be asked to visit various spots within the Magnus.
  • Gathering Information: Speak with different NPCs to gather clues and advance the storyline.
  • Simple Combat Challenges: Defeat basic enemies to prove your worth to the Magnus.

Combat Challenges

The next set of quests focuses on combat:

  • Advanced Combat Mechanics: You’ll face stronger foes requiring you to utilize advanced combat techniques like dodging, parrying, and using combos.
  • Boss Fights: Expect to encounter mini-bosses or special enemies with unique abilities. Study their patterns and plan your attacks accordingly.

Puzzles and Mysteries

Not all quests in the Magnus Questline involve combat. Some require you to solve puzzles or overcome obstacles:

  • Environmental Puzzles: These puzzles may involve manipulating objects, solving riddles, or using the environment to your advantage.
  • Logic Challenges: Some quests may require logical thinking, like aligning symbols or interpreting clues to progress.

Traversal and Exploration

The Magnus dimension is vast and requires exploration:

  • Navigational Challenges: Some areas within the Magnus are hidden or require specific actions to access.
  • Hidden Pathways and Secret Areas: Be on the lookout for hidden pathways that lead to valuable rewards or shortcuts.

Rewards and Benefits of Completing the Magnus Quest

Completing the Magnus Questline offers several benefits:

  • Magnus Fast Travel System: Instantly teleport between major cities and specific locations.
  • Exclusive Gear and Items: Obtain unique gear that can enhance your character’s abilities.
  • Increased Knowledge and Skills: Gain experience and knowledge that improve your character’s overall power.

Tips and Tricks for Completing the Magnus Quest Efficiently

  • Gear Up: Ensure your character has high-quality gear. Consider upgrading your equipment before starting the questline.
  • Plan Your Route: Familiarize yourself with the BDO map and plan your route to save time.
  • Stock Up on Supplies: Bring plenty of healing potions and food buffs to sustain your character during tough battles.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During the Magnus Quest

  • Ignoring NPC Dialogues: NPCs often provide hints and clues vital for completing quests. Pay close attention to their dialogues.
  • Rushing Through Puzzles: Some puzzles require careful thought and observation. Rushing can lead to unnecessary delays.
  • Underestimating Enemies: Magnus enemies can be challenging. Don’t underestimate their power, especially the mini-bosses.

FAQs About the how to start Magnus Quest BDO

What level should I be to start the Magnus Quest in BDO?

To start the Magnus Quest, your character should be at least level 56. This level ensures you have the necessary skills and strength to handle the challenges within the questline.

How long does it take to complete the Magnus Quest?

The duration varies depending on your playstyle and experience. On average, it can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours to complete the Magnus Questline, depending on your familiarity with the game and its mechanics.

Can I complete the Magnus Quest solo, or do I need a party?

The Magnus Quest is designed to be solo-friendly, so you can complete it without a party. However, having friends along can make certain combat challenges easier and more fun.

What are the rewards for completing the Magnus Quest?

Rewards include the Magnus fast travel system, exclusive gear, silver, experience points, and unique items that enhance your character’s abilities.

Is there a time limit to complete the Magnus Quest?

No, there is no time limit for completing the Magnus Quest. You can take your time to explore, solve puzzles, and defeat enemies at your own pace.

Can I repeat the Magnus Quest?

The Magnus Quest is a one-time questline per character. Once completed, you cannot repeat it with the same character.

Do I need to complete any pre-quests before starting the Magnus Quest?

Yes, you might need to complete certain pre-quests or storylines leading up to the Magnus Quest. Check with the Magnus NPC for any prerequisites.


Starting the Magnus Quest in BDO is a rewarding endeavor that offers significant benefits, from fast travel to exclusive gear.

By following this guide on how to start Magnus Quest BDO, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle its challenges and reap the rewards.

Remember to take your time, enjoy the journey, and make the most of the unique content that Black Desert Online offers.

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